Royal Educational Research Society (RERS) takes a revolutionary approach to competency-based assessment, setting new standards for transparency, reliability, and innovation. Specializing in conducting assessments for Sector Skill Councils, Training Partners, and NGOs, RERS employs cutting-edge AI tools to ensure a comprehensive evaluation of candidates. Through the separation of Theory, Practical, and Viva assessments, coupled with meticulous recording and storage of candidate performances, RERS is reshaping the landscape of skill development assessments.

1. Introduction to Competency-Based Assessment:

Competency-based assessment has become the cornerstone of skill development initiatives, ensuring that candidates possess the practical skills and knowledge required in their respective domains. RERS’s commitment to this assessment paradigm goes beyond conventional methods, incorporating advanced AI tools and digital recording to enhance the reliability and transparency of the evaluation process.

2. Components of Competency-Based Assessment by RERS:

RERS’s Competency-Based Assessment is a multi-faceted approach that encompasses Theory, Practical, and Viva assessments, each conducted separately with precision and technological sophistication.

Theory Assessment: In the Theory Assessment phase, candidates’ understanding of theoretical concepts is evaluated through a rigorous examination process. RERS utilizes AI tools to administer tests, ensuring a standardized and fair testing environment. Test logs meticulously capture each candidate’s choices, providing a detailed record of the options selected and marks obtained.

Practical Assessment: The Practical Assessment is designed to gauge candidates’ hands-on skills and their application in real-world scenarios. Here, RERS goes beyond traditional assessment methods by recording video evidence of each candidate’s performance. AI tools monitor and analyze the practical tasks, capturing not only the execution but also the choices made by the assessor, along with detailed marks allocation.

Viva Assessment: The Viva Assessment, a critical component of competency evaluation, involves a one-on-one interview to assess candidates’ depth of understanding and communication skills. RERS records the entire Viva session, ensuring transparency in the assessment process. The video evidence includes the assessor’s questions, the candidate’s responses, and the marking details, creating a comprehensive record of the evaluation.

3. Integration of AI Tools:

RERS integrates advanced AI tools throughout the Competency-Based Assessment process to enhance objectivity, accuracy, and efficiency.

Automated Test Administration: AI-driven test administration ensures a standardized experience for all candidates. Randomized question selection, adaptive testing algorithms, and instant result generation contribute to the efficiency and reliability of the Theory Assessment.

Video Analysis in Practical Assessment: During the Practical Assessment, AI tools analyze video recordings to objectively evaluate candidates’ performance. From technique precision to decision-making, every aspect is scrutinized, providing a holistic understanding of the candidate’s practical competencies.

Speech and Content Analysis in Viva Assessment: In the Viva Assessment, AI-driven speech and content analysis contribute to a thorough evaluation of candidates’ responses. This technology assesses not only the correctness of answers but also the depth of understanding, articulation, and overall communication skills.

4. Ensuring Reliability and Transparency:

RERS places a paramount emphasis on the reliability and transparency of the Competency-Based Assessment, utilizing various measures to uphold these principles.

Secure Storage of Test Logs: The test logs from the Theory Assessment are securely stored, allowing stakeholders to review each candidate’s choices, selected options, and marks obtained. This transparency ensures that the assessment process aligns with the intended standards.

Video Evidence in Practical and Viva Assessments: Video evidence becomes a cornerstone in ensuring transparency. For Practical and Viva Assessments, the recorded sessions serve as a detailed record of the entire evaluation process, capturing nuances that may be missed in traditional assessment approaches.

Access Control and Data Encryption: RERS employs robust access control measures and data encryption protocols to safeguard the integrity of the assessment data. This ensures that only authorized personnel have access to sensitive information, maintaining the confidentiality and reliability of the assessment outcomes.

5. Advantages of RERS’s Competency-Based Assessment:

RERS’s Competency-Based Assessment offers a multitude of advantages to organizations, candidates, and assessors alike.

Objective and Standardized Evaluation: By leveraging AI tools, RERS ensures an objective and standardized evaluation process. This minimizes biases, providing an equal opportunity for all candidates to showcase their competencies.

Comprehensive Understanding of Candidates’ Skills: The integration of video evidence in Practical and Viva Assessments offers a comprehensive understanding of candidates’ skills, going beyond numerical scores to capture the essence of their capabilities.

Real-time Insights and Analytics: Stakeholders gain access to real-time insights and analytics, enabling prompt decision-making. From identifying skill gaps to recognizing high-performing candidates, the assessment data becomes a valuable resource for strategic planning.